Pre and Post Lubes
Linked Events
In addition to the main events taking place over the Bank Holiday weekend, there are likely to be a number of hash related events in the days immediately preceding and following the UKNH25 weekend. Please check out this page periodically to see what else is going on. Note that any events publicised on this page are outside the remit of the UKNH25 mismanagement team.
Red Dress Run
It is likely that a local hash will be holding a charity Red Dress Run in the week preceding UKNH25. Details of any such run will be publicised on this page once they have been finalised, together with a registration form for any interested UKNH25 hashers to sign-up. Meanwhile, it is probably advisable to ignore any random speculation about the date, location and costs of this event that you may encounter on various social medial channels.
Local hashes
We have several local hashes running more or less regularly in the London area. For those of you arriving in London in advance of UKNH25, you will always receive a warm welcome from any of these hashes. Follow the links below to see what's on:
Friday Pre-Lube hash
Since 1988 London H3 has had an annual breakfast trail in central London and we are proposing to set one for the Friday of the Nash Hash. This will start at 7am from the ‘Bishops Finger’. There is no charge and the morning will be pay as you go; food is available from nearby cafes etc. However, as the pub will open especially for the Hash we need to know numbers up front so see if it is worthwhile. And if you do register to come along please ensure you do attend rather than decide on the actual morning that you can’t be arsed.
For further details email Prince:
Postlube cruise
Postlube cruise after UK Nash Hash 2025 - sailing on 25 August 2025 on the Regal Princess. Special through 28 February 2025 with $99 USD deposit per person. Reduced rates for 3rd and 4th persons in same cabin.
Message Francie Ammon if interested.
(N.B. You need to be signed-in to Facebook for this link to work.)