Frequently asked quesitons

Before contacting the organisers with a query, please check the FAQ on this page to see if yor question has already been answered.

Can I book extra nights?  

No you cannot book extra nights.  The university has events on immediately before and after so rooms are unfortunately not available.

Are there any pre or post lubes I can register for?

We will add appropriate pre- and post-lube details to the website if and when we have the details.  You may also find other events that interest you listed on the  UK Hash House Harriers web page or on  https://gotothehash.net/.

Can you help me find accommodation in London before and after the hash?

No, unfortunately we can’t but there are plenty of booking agencies online that can.
Who do you think we are - Booking.com?

Can I stay offsite and still come to UK Nash Hash?

You do not have to stay onsite to participate, but you will have to register at the rate applicable at the time you register. There is no refund if you do not stay onsite. Just don’t forget where you are staying. 

Can I stay in my Campervan? 

There are a very limited number of spaces for campervans and these will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.  

Is there going to be a red dress run?

The main event does not include a Red Dress run. If one of the London hash Chapters decides to hold one as a pre- or post-lube we will announce this on our website.

Can I share a room with my partner?

There are a very limited number of twin rooms (not en-suite) that are available.  We will allocate these on a first-come-first-served basis.  Unfortunately, being a university, most of the rooms are singles.  You can of course share a tent with as many people as you want.

Can I bring my children?

As you will appreciate, a hash weekend is not designed around children, but you are welcome to bring them, providing you are responsible for them at all times.  Special rates are available for those under five (free, but must be registered) and 5 -16 (reduced registration fee).  Licensing laws also require that anyone under 16 is not served alcohol so under-age wrist bands will be provided.  If you think you would like a triple-bed room to accommodate a child, please contact mismanagement asap as there are very few available.    

Can I bring a dog?

No. Sorry. the campus has a strict no-pets policy  

Is there a maximum capacity for the event?

At the moment we are budgeting based on how many hashers attended in York in 2023 but we will keep this under review.

Will I be able to park my car next to my tent?

No. Sorry there is no vehicle access to the camping field but the car park is a 2 minutes walk away

Will there be food provided on Friday evening?

There will be finger food during Friday evening.

Do I need to bring a towel/bedding if I have booked a room?

Sheets, pillow cases, duvets and a small towel will be provided if you book a room. You may wish to bring a large towel with you. 

Will there be a fancy dress theme?

Yes, you’ve probably already guessed - it’s Swinging 60’s.

I submitted a Registration Form but have not heard anything yet. Am I registered?

After you submitted a Registration Form you would have received a Confirmation Email. That means we have received your application. We will contact you shortly with bank details. These will take time to process. Please be patient, keep an eye on your junk mail folder and watch the website for updates. Once we have received full payment, your registration will be complete and you will appear on the Who’s Cumming list.